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Can I Buy A House At 65?

Senior Buying A Home

"I'm 65 years old and want to live in a nice retirement community, but I've never bought a home. Am I too old to buy a house?"


If you’re 65, you’re not too old to buy a house — provided that you have the finances to make a down payment, cover your monthly mortgage payments, and keep up with expenses like maintenance and property taxes. However, when you’re 65 or older, it is difficult to know if you’ll be able to live in the house long enough to see a good return on your investment.

If you’re retired or close to retiring, you may have a limited income that must support you for an unknown period of time.

When you throw a considerable portion of those assets at a house, you add another unknown variable — the housing market. If the house you purchase does not appreciate, or you can’t keep up with the mortgage payments, you could put yourself in an untenable financial position where you might be forced to sell the house to manage your debt load.


Don't attempt to navigate this on your own. Let me help... I'm ready to jump into this with you! I'm not only a Real Estate Broker, but a skilled and seasoned agent. I can help stack the deck in your favor by identifying properties that have the best chance of appreciating in value in a short period of time. Give me a call... you're not alone, let's do this together! -Sandy                                                                                                                       

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